
7 Common Foundation Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Author: MMM Team

21 Jul 2021

Say goodbye to the dreaded foundation line across your chin, makeup that slides off your face in the middle of the day and other surprisingly easy to fix yet common mistakes we all make when applying our foundation! Though the name goes without saying, foundation is the foundation of our entire makeup look so it is critical that we get it right.  

1.       Using a shade with the wrong undertone

By choosing a foundation shade with the wrong undertone, your whole foundation may look off even if the depth of colour is perfect.  Although we often intuitively know what colours or jewellery we prefer to wear, it may not be obvious that these things are indicative of our undertones. As certain skin conditions like rosacea can make your face appear pink, we recommend looking at your wrists to determine your natural undertone most accurately. Try our new foundation shade finder quiz here to determine your undertone.

2.       Choosing the wrong foundation for your skin type

If you’ve heard somebody, whether it be a Youtuber or a friend, rave about a foundation only for it to make your skin look dry or oily there is a likely reason for it: different skin types.  What works for someone with oily skin may not work for a person with dry skin, and vice versa. It is important to find a foundation match that compliments your skin type – for example if you have dry or mature skin, we recommend you try out dewy or satin finish foundations. If your skin is oily, matte foundations could be best for you.

3.       Not waiting for oxidation when testing out shades

Have you ever tried a foundation sample on your skin in a store and it looks perfect so you purchase it, then wear it for a few hours and it looks completely different? This process is called oxidisation and is the same process as when the inside of an apple starts to turn brown after you take a bite of it. When you are looking to buy a new foundation, it is important to wait for the product to oxidise before deciding if it is the right colour for you or not. It is also why we always test our matches after the foundation has oxidised. It can change the colour of the foundation by up to two or three shades!

4.       Going too dark

Nobody wants that horrible foundation line along your jaw, highlighting the difference in colour of your neck. If your foundation is too dark, there’s not much you can do to save it. If you are stuck between two shades we recommend mixing them if possible to get your perfect match. Otherwise, it is best to err on the lighter side. That way, you can warm it up and deepen it with bronzer, contour, blush and save on a highlighter!

5.       Not preparing your skin

The old adage that foundation looks as good as the skin beneath it is true – we need to look after our skin and prep it properly so our foundation looks its best and lasts as long as possible. Keeping your skin hydrated, moisturized and protected from the sun will help your makeup last longer and improve the quality of your skin overall – and the better your skin looks the less product you’ll be using! A great moisturizer and/or a great primer will make all the difference in how your skin appears – with or without foundation.

6.       Primer base vs foundation base

Primers are a great way to help your skin look smoother and your foundation last longer, however you need to ensure you find a primer that will work with your foundation. If you have ever primed your skin and then put foundation over the top only for it to slide all over your face, you are probably mixing the bases of your primer and foundation. If you use a water based foundation, it is best that you use a water based primer. Likewise for oil or silicone based primers – if the foundation doesn’t have the same base, the foundation is likely to move.

7.       Using too many products

While it is critical to prep your skin properly, layering too many products can stop your foundation from setting on your skin causing it to slide around or separate. Using oil, serum, SPF, moisturizer and primer all before putting on foundation can cause it to slip off or separate. We recommend using no more than three products before putting on your foundation – and if there is no SPF in your foundation, that should absolutely be one of them.

We hope these tips will help you find the foundation for you, and highlight how important skin prep is!

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